Brand work across Latin America, USA & Europe.
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Focus, Capture, Develop.
Start a Conversation consists on the interaction between the physical world and art across social platforms. Photography, like other mediums of art, is always open to interpretation. By starting a conversation, the audience can start a dialogue through the quickest yet most effective way to let them know you’re present, regardless of distance or time, a text message.
In the twist of 2020’s course and mandatory lockdown worldwide a creative strategy was born. Face-time Photoshoots consists on web camera screenshots from the comfortability of our four walls. Through this activation, humans felt more close to each other and their creative potential during COVID’s uncertainty.
During the delicate times where our bodies were confined for months, this project consists on freeing our souls and sharing stories. Quarantineversations serves as a photographic conference where different public figures speak up about how quarantine is making them feel as well as the hopes for the future. Through this global conversation, we highlight the importance of remaining safe and patient.
[Click the images to check the profiles]
“We’re all in the same boat, waiting for the tidal waves to ease.”
— Citizens of Dominican Republic.